Sometimes You Have To Take Time For Yourself and That's Okay

I don’t know how to slow down and I don’t know how to take a break. I work my butt off to be good at my job, to be a good wife, to be creative and post pictures, to make sure my house is in order and honestly lately things have been insane. I started this blog as a journal to talk about fashion, beauty, traveling and somewhere to compose my random thoughts. This was ultimately supposed to be my way of letting people in because I have a really hard time at that, and being a little creative at the same time.

Over the years of me working on my blog I haven’t enjoyed writing as much. Which is very weird for me because writing always has been my passion. I found it really hard to keep coming up with different ideas to tell you how to wear a skirt and different trends for the new season. That was when I realized that I’m not here to talk about why these trends are great or why this is the best dress you will ever find. I realized that I wanted to connect more with the people that read this. That’s when I decided to seg way a bit and redo this whole “blog” thing. I took some time to redo this blog. Make it look better, Make it something I was proud to tell and show people.

Why does a blog have to be one thing? Why if I started as a fashion blogger I can’t talk about how shopping at a mall is extremely painful because they don’t carry my size?

As I am getting older, yes I am proud to say I am an amazing 31 years old, I want to be less superficial and more beneficial. I want you to read this and be able to take something away. I want you to be able connect with me and have conversations that made you think. We still will be talking fashion and beauty but we will have some truthful and honest conversations about it.

If you’re ready to step into this new journey I am so excited to continue to create content with you!

Love Always,
