Consistency is Everything

Being consistent is not my strong suit. I am such a hard worker when it comes to my 9-5, my husband and I have a really good relationship (even during quarantine), my mom is my favorite person, and my dog is my best friend. But outside of that I have a hard time being consistent with my goals. Earlier this year I bought a Peloton with every intention to workout 3-4 days a week, and for the first 2 month I stuck with it and had fabulous results. But June hit and it was an entirely different story. I had no motivation to even get on the bike, let alone do a 45-minute workout. Blogging and creating is my biggest passion and I love it so much – It's what truly makes me happy. When I have time to sit and write or create a fun elaborate photo shoot I'm going to get it accomplished. But I don't always make time to do the preparation for any of this. There's a reason why I hadn't been on here writing for months. I SUCK at being consistent.


During the month of June I took my lack of motivation in other areas of my life and learned. I studied how to blog, tips and tricks for Instagram, and how to turn this into a job and actually profit from it. Everything that I read or watched kept coming back with the same thing: consistency. So, I decided I was going to do a July consistency challenge. My goal is to post every single day on Instagram, write and post at least one new blog post a week, post at least once a week on liketoknowit, and fall in love with this outlet again. I love being on here and I love posting my outfits to Instagram, so I am challenging myself to actually do it. I'm refocusing on my goals and reminding myself why I wanted to do this in the first place. I am so excited for this challenge and I have planned a lot of it to make my life easier.


We now have 6 months left in the year. Even though this year has been insane, and there's something new that comes out every single week that throws us for a loop, I do believe we can still achieve our goals. We just might have to get a little creative.


Comment below some of the goals you had for this year and how you are going to try and obtain them!